
By-Laws Governing the
Northern Delaware Model Railroad 
Last Amended: September 8, 2022




1.1 Name

1.1.0 The name of this organization shall hereafter be known as the:

Northern Delaware Model Railroad Club

1.1.1 The term "Nordel" or "Nordel Model Railroad Club" shall be considered one and the same as the Northern Delaware Model Railroad Club and may be used interchangeably.

2.1 Purpose

2.1.0 The purpose of the Northern Delaware Model Railroad Club is the advancement of model railroading through the exchange of information, development of friendships, family involvement, and interaction with the community.

2.1.1 To obtain the information, material and equipment needed to construct a permanent layout in HO scale. Money spent on scales other than HO shall be permitted on a case-by-case basis only after obtaining a two-thirds majority vote of club members present in a business meeting.


3.1 Membership Classes

3.1.1 The Northern Delaware Model Railroad Club shall offer the following memberships to the public.

Fees: $20.00 room key deposit
Dues: $9.00 per month
Restrictions: None

Dues: $4.00 per month
- May not vote
- May not hold a key
- May not hold office

3.1.4 FULL-TIME STUDENT: Age 18+
Fees: $20.00 room key deposit
Dues: $4.00 per month
Restrictions: None

3.2 Transition of Membership

3.2.0 Members may transition from one class of membership to another at any time, providing they meet the requirements of the class they are entering. If a member is moving from a nonvoting to a voting class, they may not vote for three months following the move.

3.2.1 Visitors and Guests

Any member may invite a specific guest, or guests, to attend any club meeting or function, or to visit the layout room at any time, except as otherwise stipulated. The inviting member shall be present at all times during the visit.

The executive board may bar any visitor who they determine has behaved in a way detrimental to the club, or the club's members, or is using visiting as a means of avoiding dues.

The executive board may bar all visitors from attending any specific club meeting or function, or from visiting the layout room for a specified period. The executive board must send a notification to all members at least two weeks in advance of the date of any closing.

3.2.2 Open Houses

An open house is defined as any event open to the general public, or general members of a specific group, and for which one, or more, of the following apply:

- It is sponsored by Nordel
- It is held at the layout room
- The Nordel name is displayed or otherwise used to identify club members and/ or materials belonging to Nordel.

At least one club member must be in attendance at all times during any open house.

An open house's purpose, place, date(s), times, and the group to be invited must be approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members at any monthly business meeting, providing a quorum exists as set forth in Section 5.2 of Article V.

3.4 Payment of Dues

3.4.0 Membership dues shall be paid to the club treasurer, or to any other member of the executive board in the absence of the treasurer.

3.4.1 Any member may pay his/her dues in advance.

3.4.2 All membership dues that have been paid in advance shall be exempt from any dues increase. All dues shall be paid at the start of each calendar year, unless prior arrangement has been made with, and to the satisfaction of the Treasurer.

3.4.3 The executive committee may suspend the dues of any member who is undergoing unusual, temporary, financial distress due to loss of employment. Their status shall be changed to 'Associate Member or Senior Associate' and all restrictions will apply. The dues suspension will be lifted when the member returns to employment. In order to be eligible for dues suspension, the member should have been fully employed previously and the job loss should be expected to be temporary. Any advance dues paid to the club shall be refunded to the member in question. The executive committee will rule on the eligibility of all requests, by a majority vote in private, after submission of supporting documentation of the employment loss. In the case of an extended period of unemployment the member shall be required to submit supporting documents to the executive committee every 3 months. A copy of the supporting documentation shall be kept on file with the club treasurer indefinitely.

3.4.4 The club membership may suspend the dues of any member who is undergoing unusual, temporary, financial distress due to life circumstances after a majority vote in a business meeting. Their status shall be changed to 'Associate Member or Senior Associate Member' and all restrictions will apply. The member’s status shall be reviewed every three months in a business meeting and continued only after obtaining a majority vote of club members present in that business meeting.

3.5 Delinquent Dues

3.5.0 A member shall be said to be delinquent if he/she is "active" (i.e.: is in one of the membership classes listed in article 3.1) and his/her dues are two or more months behind.

3.5.1 Upon becoming delinquent, said member shall be notified of this status by the treasurer. Notification must be by email or by U.S. mail.

3.5.2 One month after notification by the treasurer, as directed in article 3.5.1, a member who has not become current in their dues shall have their status changed to one of the following:

- Inactive: A member who qualifies under the provisions of by-law 3.6 shall be recommended for inactive status. A member who has not participated in any Nordel activity during the period of their delinquency shall be forgiven their dues obligation for this period.

- Involuntarily Terminated: Those members who do not qualify for inactive status shall be involuntarily terminated. A member who has not participated in any Nordel activity during the period of their delinquency shall be forgiven their dues obligation for this period.

Upon change of status, the treasurer shall notify the member of his/her new status and of his/her rights and privileges as defined by the relevant by law: 3.6 Inactive Status, or 3.16 Reinstatement of Involuntarily Terminated Memberships. The treasurer shall also notify the member of the amount of back dues owed should they return to active status. In no case will back-dues exceed three months. Notification must be by email or by U.S. mail.

3.5.3 The recording secretary shall keep a permanent record of "dues owed" for members who have had their membership status changed.

3.6 Inactive Status

3.6.1 Inactive status may be granted to members who do not, or cannot, participate in the activities of Nordel, but who want to retain the right to return to full membership when their circumstances change.

3.6.2 A member must have been a member-in-good-standing for at least one year prior to the granting of inactive status.

3.6.3 A member may be granted inactive status by an affirmative vote of the majority of the voting members at any monthly business meeting, providing a quorum exists as set forth in Section 5.2 of Article V.

3.6.4 An inactive member:

- May not hold a key
- May not vote
- May not hold office
- Shall have the same rights to participate in club activities as visitors, as set forth in Article 3.2.1 Visitors and Guests.
- Shall have their dues suspended

3.6.5 An inactive member may return to active status by paying all unpaid dues accumulated before becoming inactive, plus one month’s advance dues.

3.6.6 An inactive member's status may be revoked at any time by the executive board.

3.6.7 If an inactive member returns to active status, he/she may not vote for three months from the time of the status change.

3.7 Dues Credit

A dues credit of one-half the receipt value of a structure, motive power, rolling stock, materials or electronics built and donated to the club, may be earned provided that such donation has had prior approval of the Executive Board and meets the club standards and codes. This credit award will not exceed the total sum of one year's dues for the donating member.

3.8 Refunds

The club will not refund any monies, credits, fees, dues, or donations unless it has been set forth in an active by-laws section.

3.9 Keys

All club keys are the property of the Northern Delaware Model Railroad Club, and must be returned to the Executive Board upon request of the board. All keys will be numbered, and the current recording secretary shall be responsible for the issuing and recording of the keys as well as keeping a written record of the key numbers and who they are issued to. A fee of $3.00 will be charged for the replacement of any lost keys. No member shall duplicate any club key, but may receive a duplicate key with prior approval of the Executive Board and the payment of $3.00 to the club treasurer.

3.10 Application for Membership

Application for membership shall be considered upon receipt of an accurately completed application and payment of the appropriate application fee to the club treasurer. At this time, any member who questions the application may call for discussion and a vote on acceptance of the application. At this time the application shall leave the room and discussion commence. If a negative vote is the outcome, all fees shall be returned to the applicant, and his application will not be accepted. If the application is not disputed or a positive vote result, the date shall be known as the date of application for the applicant.

3.11 Acceptance of Membership

Acceptance of membership will occur after the applicant has completed a three-month probationary period starting on the date of application and an affirmative vote of the majority of the voting members present at the first monthly business meeting after completion of the applicant's probation, provided there is a quorum as set forth in Section 5.2 of Article V. This vote may be taken by secret ballot if asked for by any voting member. Probationary members will pay dues and are not allowed to possess a key. Should the applicant not be accepted for membership, the application fee shall be refunded but all dues or donations paid will be retained.

3.12 Voluntary Termination of Membership

Voluntary termination of membership shall take effect when a paid-up member vocally resigns at a regular monthly business meeting. A written resignation of a paid-up member shall also constitute a voluntary termination.

3.13 Involuntary Termination of Membership

Involuntary termination of membership shall take effect by order of the Executive Board for one or both of the following reasons: for delinquency as set forth in Section 3.5 of Article III, or for misconduct as set forth in Section 3.14 of Article III.

3.14 Misconduct of Members

3.14.1 Any member may, for cause, be reprimanded, fined, suspended, involuntarily terminated or any combination thereof by the Executive Board for any or all of the following reasons:

- Theft of the club's or a fellow member's property.
- Destructive behavior on club property or during a club function.
- Fraudulent use of the club's name.
- Improper behavior which reflects negatively upon the club.
- Fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate information filed on a club form.
- Violation of any by-law, club rule, and/or regulation.

3.14.2 Formal accusations must be brought to the Executive Board either verbally or in written form for investigation.

3.15 Reinstatement of Voluntarily Terminated Memberships

Reinstatement of a voluntarily terminated membership may be done by re-submission of an application form, payment of current dues and an affirmative vote of the majority of the present voting members providing a quorum exists as set forth in Section 5.2 of Article V. No application fee shall be paid or will a probation period be served.

3.16 Reinstatement of Involuntarily Terminated Memberships

Reinstatement of an involuntarily terminated membership may be done upon submission of an application form and payment of appropriate application fee as well as any outstanding dues, fines, and/or bills. The reinstatement applicant must serve a three-month probation period, during which he/she may not possess a key and must pay the appropriate dues. At the end of the probation period, the reinstatement will take effect upon an affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of the present voting members provided a quorum exists as set forth in Section 5.2 of Article V. This vote shall be done on a secret ballot. Should the reinstatement applicant not be accepted, only the application fee will be refunded, all other monies or donations will be retained by the club.


4.1 Executive Board Officers

The elective Executive Board members and their ranking shall be as follows: president, vice-president, recording secretary, and treasurer.

4.2 Duties of Officers

4.2.1 The president directs and leads the club, both in and out of meetings.

4.2.2 The vice-president assists the president when needed, takes charge of all meetings in the absence of the president and serves as assistant to the treasurer.

4.2.3 The recording secretary takes minutes of meetings, has copies of the minutes available at all meetings and keeps all business records necessary for the club's permanent record.

4.2.4 The treasurer oversees club financial records and has sole responsibility for the distribution of club funds. The treasurer will present a draft budget for the next fiscal year at the November business meeting. The budget will be approved at the next business meeting. The treasurer will provide Profit and Loss and Year to Date Budget reports monthly to the members.

4.3 Nominations, Elections, Term and Impeachment of Elected Officers

4.3.1 Nominations of the candidates shall take place from the floor of the business meeting. No nominations will be accepted by the club unless the person or persons nominated are present or have previously indicated in written form that he or she intends to accept the nomination. No person may accept nomination to more than one office in an election year.

4.3.2 In the occasion of a single nominee for any office, no vote shall be held and the nominee shall be regarded as elected.

In the occasion of more than one nominee for office, voting shall be by secret ballot and a majority of votes cast shall be necessary for election.

In the occasion of no nominee attaining a majority of votes cast, a runoff election shall be held between the two nominees receiving the most votes.

4.3.3 The term of office shall start at the beginning of the business meeting following election and end at the beginning of the January business meeting, unless such term is extended by application of another by-law.

4.3.4 Any Executive Board member may be impeached from office at any time during his or her term, by an affirmative vote of at least 3/4 of the eligible voting members.

4.3.5 Any Executive Board member may resign from office during his or her term, by submitting in writing to the Executive Board a request to vacate office, before the monthly business meeting.

4.3.6 Nominations of the candidates shall take place at the November business meeting or, should the November business meeting not take place, at the first business meeting thereafter. Elections shall be held at the first business meeting following the nominating meeting-this will normally be in December.

4.4 Vacancies

4.4.1 In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice-president will assume the office of president for the duration of the term.

4.4.2 In the event of a vacancy in any office other than the office of president, the executive board shall appoint a replacement for that office to serve the term, with ratification requiring a simple majority vote of the voting members present at that monthly business meeting. In the event of a failure to ratify a candidate, the executive board shall appoint another candidate, who shall require ratification. The office shall not be left vacant if there is a willing candidate for the position who can be ratified.

4.4.3 In the event of a failure to nominate a candidate for any office the current office holder may continue in the position until an appointee may be found.

In the event of a vacancy in any office that cannot be filled through application of articles 4.4.1, 4.4.2, or the previous paragraph, any current office holder may assume the duties of the vacant office provided that no one person performs the duties of both president and treasurer.

In the event of a failure to assign the duties of either the president or treasurer through election, the application of articles 4.4.1, 4.4.2, or the previous two paragraphs of this article, the Northern Delaware Model Railroad Club shall be dissolved and all assets liquidated in accordance with applicable Internal Revenue Service regulations and any relevant Nordel by-laws.


5.1 Meetings

The regular monthly business meeting shall be held on the second Thursday of each month, at 7:30 PM, at the layout room. Any temporary changes to the day, time, or place must be acceptable to the Executive Board members and shall be announced at least one month in advance of the meeting. The announcement must be immediately available to all members at the time made, and may be electronic (e.g.: via the club newsletter or by email).

The meetings can be electronic.

5.2 Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December of each year.

5.3 Budget

5.3.1 The budget controls the amount of money that can be spent and what it can be spent on. No one (including the spending authority) may overspend a budget without the permission of the executive committee. If approved, the budget item the money will be taken from must be identified.

5.3.2 Spending Authority specifies who can spend money for each expense category. No one else may spend against this category without his permission. Each budget item will include the spending authorizers’ names. 

5.3.3 Purchase of items that affect the aesthetics or operability or "story" of the layout and the Northern Delaware Railroad should be approved in the business meeting. These items include:
   - All locos and cars. Aspects to be reviewed include: Era (generally-speaking, we are "transition" era). Prototype railroad locomotive types and road names (e.g.: a U.P. gas turbine wouldn't make sense). 
   - All buildings and major scenic elements. Does an industry building or scenic accessory fit into our layout plan?
   - All DCC components including decoders, boosters, accessories. 

5.3.4 The Executive Committee has the authority to increase the approved budget spending limit up to $500.00 if needed to cover unexpected expenses or add a new budget item. If unexpected expenses or add a new budget item are over $500.00 a majority of voting members must approve the request at a business meeting or by voting by email.

5.4 Quorum

A quorum shall be at least one-third (1/3) of the voting members.

5.5 Veto of Board Order

A veto of any Executive Board order or decision will require a 2/3 vote of the club's total voting members.

5.6 Absentee Ballots

Absentee ballots will be accepted for the purpose of the election of officers and changes to the by-laws and must be turned into the Executive Board prior to the start of the relevant business meeting.

5.7 Voting

Voting may be done in person at monthly meetings, by electronic means, or by email. Records of all votes will be retained.


6.1 Formation and Duration

Committees shall be formed by the president and shall remain in force until discharged by the president.

6.2 Committee Chairperson

The chairperson of all committees shall be appointed by the president. The president shall serve as the ex officio chairperson of all committees.

6.3 Executive Board

The Executive Board will consist of the current officers, unless there is a formal complaint against one of the officers, in which case the remaining elected officers will constitute the Executive Board. The highest-ranking officer will be the chairperson of the Executive Board.


7.1 Order of Business for the Monthly Business Meeting

- Call to order
- Introduction of applicants and guests
- Minutes of previous meeting
- Treasurer's report
- Club correspondence
- Committee reports
- Old business
- New business
- Adjournment

7.2 Questions

All questions of parliamentary procedure shall be decided by the president or in the absence of the president, it shall be decided by the highest-ranking officer of the Executive Board present. Any member who is not satisfied with the ruling may appeal the decision, and a vote shall be taken to sustain the decision of the chair or reverse the decision of the chair.

7.3 Tie Breaker Votes

In the event of a tie in any vote, the president will cast the tie breaker vote, or in the event of his/her absence, it shall be cast by the highest-ranking officer of the Executive Board present.


8.1 Proposals

Amendments to the by-laws may be proposed by any member or committee at any regular business meeting.

8.2 Publicity

All proposed amendments must be publicized to the membership via the club newsletter or through a special mailing to all active members.

8.3 Voting

Voting on proposed amendments shall take place at the next regularly scheduled business meeting unless, by majority vote of the membership present, the vote is postponed until a subsequent business meeting. Absentee votes will be accepted if they are turned in to the Executive Board prior to the start of the business meeting at which the by-law will be voted upon.

8.4 Adoption

Adoption of an amendment shall require the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the total voting membership and shall go into effect immediately upon adoption unless the wording of the amendment specifies a later date.


9.1 Definition

The dissolution of The Nordel Model Railroad Club shall include:

1. The abolition of all club offices and titles at the completion of dissolution.

2. The prohibition of any former member, or members, from using the names "Nordel," "Nordel Model Railroad Club," or "Northern Delaware Model Railroad Club," in the formation of a new club or in any way implying that Nordel still exists.

3. The prohibition of any member to enter the club room or club house except as provided for in the Nordel Dissolution Proposal Document.

4. The closing of the club web site, except as it may be used to announce the dissolution of the club for a period of one year from date of dissolution.

5. The canceling of all debts and obligations owed to members.

6. Collection of all debts and other assets belonging to the club for distribution as prescribed in Article 9.3. No person, business or organization shall be relieved of an obligation to the club due to dissolution.

7. The distribution of all financial and physical assets as prescribed in Article 9.3.

9.2 Paths for Dissolution

9.2.1 Failure to Fill President and Treasurer Positions

The Nordel Model Railroad Club may be dissolved pursuant to Article 4.4.3 of these by-laws. In this case, the remaining member(s) of the executive committee shall proceed with the liquidation of all assets as provided for in Article 9.3. In the event that there are no officers, the members may elect an Executor to take charge of the liquidation. The Executor shall draft and implement the Nordel Dissolution Proposal Document.

9.2.2 Vote of the Membership

The Nordel Model Railroad Club may be dissolved through the following steps:

1. Any member may propose a motion to start the process of dissolving Nordel at any regular business meeting. If the proposal is accepted by a simple majority of the members present, the process may proceed to step 2.

2. A formal proposal to dissolve the club will be written and publicized to the membership via the club newsletter and through a special mailing (USPS or email) to all active members. The proposal must be consistent with all by-laws of the club including Articles 9.1 and 9.3.

3. The proposal will be discussed at a business meeting to be held at least two weeks after the mailing in step 2. All members shall be allowed to fully express their views during the formal part of the meeting. If the proposal is to be amended in any way, the process must revert to step 2 and the proposal must be re-publicized. Nomination of the Executor shall be made in this business meeting.

4. Voting on the proposal and election of an Executor shall take place at the next regularly scheduled business meeting after completion of step 3 unless, by majority vote of the membership present, the vote is postponed until a subsequent business meeting. Passage of the proposal requires a 2/3 affirmative vote of the club's total voting members. All votes must be in person; absentee votes will not be accepted.

5. The dissolution shall go into effect immediately upon adoption unless the wording of the proposal specifies a later date. The details of the dissolution shall be written into the Nordel Dissolution Proposal Document and provided to each voting member.

9.3 Liquidation

9.3.1 Cash and cash equivalents shall be donated to non-profit organizations dedicated to model railroading or Delaware historical railroad preservation as defined in the Nordel Dissolution Proposal Document.

9.3.2 All locomotives, cars, buildings, power supplies, benchwork, track, and other layout components shall be donated to non-profit organizations dedicated to model railroading or Delaware historical railroad preservation as defined in the Nordel Dissolution Proposal Document. All layout room fixtures, furniture, materials, tools, components and all items not accepted by the non-profit organizations dedicated to model railroading or Delaware historical railroad preservation as defined in the Nordel Dissolution Proposal Document shall be priced and advertised for sale in widely-circulated advertisements and flyers. The proceeds from the sale shall be donated to the organizations specified in the Nordel Dissolution Proposal Document.


1. Article 1.1.1 added 2/8/01
2. Article 2.1.2 added 2/8/01
3. Article 3.2, changed 2/8/01, was: "Transition of membership from Family to Active membership or Associate to Active membership, may be done by submitting a completed membership application to the Executive Board along with a $5.00 processing fee."
4. Article 5.4, amended January 12, 2006, was: "Absentee ballots will be accepted for the purpose of the election of officers only and must be turned into the Executive Board prior to the start of the December business meeting."
5. Article 8.3, amended January 12, 2006, was: "Voting on proposed amendments shall take place at the next regularly scheduled business meeting, unless by majority vote the membership decides to postpone the vote until a subsequent business meeting."
6. Article 3.2, amended March 9, 2006 was: "Transition of membership from any category of membership to another category of membership, maybe done by submitting a completed or updated application to the executive board."
7 Article 3.2.1 added March 9, 2006
8. Article 3.2.2 added March 9, 2006
9. Article 3.6, amended March 9, 2006 was: "Temporary suspension of dues may be applied for by submitting in writing to the Executive Board prior to the monthly business meeting, and accepted by an affirmative vote of the majority of the voting members at that meeting, providing a quorum exist as set forth in Section 5.2 of Article V."
10. Article 3.1 amended May 11,2006. Eliminated family membership and created senior associate membership.
11. Article 3.3, Under 15 Years of Age, was deleted May 11,2006.
12. Article 3.3.1, Under 18 Years of Age, was deleted May 11,2006.
13. Article 4.3.1 was amended September, 14, 2006 to remove the requirement that nominations must be made in the November business meeting.
14. Article 4.3.2, amended September, 14, 2006, was: "If there is more than one nominee for any office, voting shall, provided a quorum exists, be by secret ballot. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary for election. Elections shall be held annually at the December business meeting."
15. Article 4.3.3, amended September, 14, 2006, was: "The term of office shall be for the period of one year, starting at the beginning of the January business meeting."
16. Article 4.3.6 added September, 14, 2006.
17. Article 4.4.2, amended September, 14, 2006, was: " In the event of a vacancy in any office other than the office of President, the Executive Board will appoint a replacement for that office to serve the term; with the appointment requiring a 2/3 ratification vote of the voting members present at that monthly business meeting."
18. Article 4.4.3 added September, 14, 2006.
19. Article 3.4.0, amended June 14, 2007, was: "Membership dues shall be paid to the club treasurer at the monthly meeting or to his/her designee."
20. Article 3.4.1, amended June 14, 2007, was: "Any member may pay his/her dues in advance up to and including the month of December of that calendar year."
21. Article 3.5 Delinquent Dues, replaced by new article 3.5 and its sub-articles, June 14, 2007, was: "A member shall be delinquent in dues if said member's dues are two or more months behind without prior approval for a suspension of dues as set forth in Section 3.6 of Article III. A member who has become delinquent will have his or her right to vote revoked until payment has been made in full. Discipline for delinquent dues is the sole jurisdiction of the Executive Board, with possible penalties being: a fine, suspension of membership, involuntary termination of membership, or any combination thereof."
22. In Articles 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, amended June 14, 2007, change the fees to $20 for each class of membership and change the words "application fees" to "room key deposit."
23. In Articles 3.1.4 and 3.1.5, amended June 14, 2007, eliminate the fees altogether.
24. Article 2.1.1, amended July 8, 2010 by adding sentence: "Money spent on scales other than HO shall be permitted on a case-by-case basis only after obtaining a two thirds majority vote of club members present in a business meeting."
25. Article 2.1.2, "To obtain the information, material, and equipment needed for a display of model railroading that is portable and able to take to various shows, displays, and public and private events." deleted July 8, 2010.
26. Article 3.4.3 added July 8, 2010.
27. Article 3.4.4 added July 8, 2010.
28. Article 3.1 amended to reflect an increase of dues for all classes (Section 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.3, 3.1.4) by $2 on September 13, 2012 to be effective January 1, 2013.
29. Article added September 13, 2012 to clarify dues payment schedule.
30. Article IX added September 13, 2012 to define dissolution, dissolution procedures, and liquidation of club assets.
31. Article 3.1.2 amended February 9, 2017, was: “REGULAR MEMBERSHIP: Age 18-64 years.”
32. Article 3.1.3 amended February 9, 2017, was: “SENIOR MEMBERSHIP: Age 65 and over, Fees: $20.00 room key deposit, Dues: $5.00 per month, Restrictions: None.”
33. Article 3.1.4 amended February 9, 2017, was: “ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Age 18-64 years, dues: $5.50 per month, Restrictions: - May not vote, -May not hold a key, - May not hold office.”
34. Article 3.1.5. SENIOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP deleted, February 9, 2017, was: “SENIOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Age 65 and over: Dues: $4.00 per month, Restrictions: - May not vote, - may not hold a key, - May not hold office.”
35. ARTICLE V amended, September 8, 2022, was: “ARTICLE V-MEETINGS, QUORUM AND VETO.”
36. Article 4.2.4 amended, September 8, 2022, was: “The treasurer oversees club financial records and has sole responsibility for the distribution of club funds.”
37. Article 5.1 amended, September 8, 2022, was: “The regular monthly business meeting shall be held at a time and place to be established on recommendation of the Executive Board that is accepted by a majority vote of the membership.”
38. Article 5.2 amended and bylaw moved to 5.4, September 8, 2022, remains: “A quorum shall be at least one-third (1/3) of the voting members.”
39. Article 5.3 amended and bylaw moved to 5.5, September 8, 2022, remains: “A veto of any Executive Board order or decision will require a 2/3 vote of the club's total voting members.”
40. Articles 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, and 5.3.4 added September 8, 2022.
40. Article 5.4 amended and bylaw moved to 5.6, September 8, 2022, remains: “Absentee ballots will be accepted for the purpose of the election of officers and changes to the by-laws and must be turned into the Executive Board prior to the start of the relevant business meeting.”
41. Article 5.7 added, September 8, 2022.

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